2018年5月21日 星期一

Advantages of Fresnel lens

1.      Fresnel lens controllableangle of light output is strong 
Fresnel lens can control direction of light more accurate than traditional LED lens. Traditional LED lens is hard to control angle of light because its design and processing error. However Fresnel lens can do this to meet the needs of different customers for different purposes.

2.      Fresnel lens can effectively improve brightness of product
Because Fresnel lens has strong light control, product thin is less than 2mm and photoresist is smaller than normal LED lens that’s why Fresnel lens can improve brightness of luminous.

3. Fresnel lens cut cost of lighting
Compare to traditional lens, Fresnel lens can maximize LED luminous area with short focal length. Therefore, the design of product is thin and light greatly saving the cost of lighting and weight.

4. Fresnel lens can be matched with a variety of LED brands
Because LED lens is high precision optical parts, design or processing even small mistakes will ruin the effect of product. Each factory traditional LED lens design is different including specifications, size and lighting angle. Fresnel lens principle is simple and size can be free cutting. Only need to know the distance between lens and LED. In this manner Fresnel lens can adapt to most of LED product.

5. Fresnel lens has large LED lens
Because of Fresnel lens construction Fresnel lens can produce large size of LED lens. In order to meet high-power LED light, especially in streetlight, automobile headlight and traffic sign light. Fresnel lens has bigger advantage than other lens.

With the explanations of Fresnel lens, we hope it is helpful to you!
If you want to find the magnifying galss with Fresnel lens, we supply our magnifier about Fresnel lens below.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us! It would be our pleasure!




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