2018年5月18日 星期五

How to pick a magnifying glass?

The indispensable magnifier in the life of the elders, in fact, must choose different magnifications according to different uses, but most people don’t’t know how to choose. We make up a few points for everyone below, hope it’s useful for you!

(1)The magnification is not the higher the better, it is not the larger the better, but must be selected according to the size of the items to be viewed, the length of using time.

Most people often mistakenly believe that the magnifying glass has a high magnification and a large size, which is good. In fact, this is a wrong idea. Depending on the method used, different magnifications and sizes should be selected.

To see the purpose of things
Which magnifying glass should you choose ?
Reading newspapers, magazines, advertisements, etc. for a long time
The size is more than 75mm and the magnification is 2 times
Short-term identification

Size of 2 to view details about the items mm, suitable magnifier size 45 to 65 mm, the ratio is 3 to 4 times
Gem identification, details of items smaller than 1 mm
A magnifying glass with a size of 10 to 30 mm and a magnification of 10 to 20 times.

(2)The higher magnification, the more attention should be paid to the use time.

In general, the higher magnification of the magnifier, the easier making the eyes feel tired, so the low magnification magnifying glass is more suitable for reading for a long time, high magnifying glass magnification, it can only be used for a short time.
In addition a lot of people think that a magnifying glass is another kind of reading glasses, but in fact different, the magnifying glass will only see the object magnified effect, and reading glasses are tailored according to individual vision, it is possible to correct and maintain vision. If the elder’s predicament is serious, in order not to continue to deteriorate, Xiaobian’s suggestion is to look for eye doctors to optometry and customize their own presbyopic glasses!

With the explanations of picking a magnifying glass, we hope it is helpful to you!
If you want to find the magnifying glass, we supply our magnifier below.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us with the email below! It would be our pleasure!
our email : etaymagnifier@gmail.com




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