2018年6月20日 星期三

Credit Card Sized Magnifying Glass With Personalized Printing Frame #856

Credit sized card magnifying glass with personalized printing frame made for an extremely useful promotional item.  Credit card-sized magnifier with 3X magnification power is thin and easy to carry. Pull this out of a wallet’s card slot for quick help reading small print anywhere.  Credit card-size magnifying glass features a window with 3X magnification to enlarge text on menus, maps, newspapers, phone books and more.  Fits in a wallet, glove compartment, purse, even a shirt pocket.  So, our credit card-sized magnifier with personalized printing frame is super ideal for promotional giveaways.





什麼? 放大鏡 也能是超夯超人氣的競選禮贈品、競選小物?  俞泰公司專業生產客制化的 超薄名片放大鏡 有著信用卡尺寸大小,可附卡套及客制化候選人印刷,放在口袋及錢包夾層方便攜帶。當您看不清小字價標或成分表,隨時可以拿出來放大看得一清二楚。 美國參眾議員的選舉(也是川普的...