2018年6月22日 星期五

How Can Magnifiers Aid Low Vision?

How Can Magnifiers Aid Low Vision?

As we grow older, some degree of low vision may be inevitable, depending on how long we live. This is because aging itself leads to slow degeneration of the light-sensitive cells in your retina, where vision processing occurs.
Increased demand for low vision devices means many more choices are becoming available. More than 3.3 million Americans older than 40 already have blindness or low vision — and that number is expected to increase to 5.5 million by 2020, according to the National Eye Institute.

Magnification is needed when you start experiencing vision loss in the central part of your retina called the macula, the area of the eye capable of seeing small letters. A magnifier enables you to compensate somewhat for a damaged macula by helping you use more of the healthy retina surrounding the damaged area to create visual images.
Certain eye injuries also can permanently damage eyestructures essential for sharp vision.
Advanced macular degeneration — a common cause of low vision — can create a blind spot in central vision. This means you can still see better around the edges of your field of view, but you would need a device to help magnify what you see. A video camera magnifier can be adjusted to provide just such magnification.
Also, People can have blind spots in different parts of the visual field. This means a blind spot can be to the right or left, or it can be shaped like a doughnut.
"This is why the optimal magnifier is different for different people," she says. "Every device has advantages and disadvantages. We don't prescribe a device. We have people choose a device that suits their goals and their requirements. And we make sure we show them alternatives."
Your eye condition also may cause vision problems that are not detected by simply testing with a standard eye chart. This means it could be difficult for you to see objects against backgrounds of similar colors, meaning loss of contrast sensitivity. You also could develop a color vision deficiency or loss of night vision.

To enhance your ability to see in contrast, you will need to address lighting and perhaps try out Full Page Magnifier With Which With Powerful LED Light When You Are Reading Books For A Long Time. 
E-Tay Portable 3X Page Magnifier
If you have any questions or are interested in our other magnifying glass, please feel free to contact us!

Email : etay@ms4.hinet.net




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