2018年6月19日 星期二

The Type of Magnifier

The Type of Magnifier

Magnifying glass is used to enlarge the lens of the object, the prototype of the microscope. Usually used to observe the details of objects. A magnifying glass is a much smaller converging lens than the apparent distance of the eye.

The magnifying glass can be classified into portable magnifying glass, eyeglasses magnifying glass and vertical magnifying glass.

According to the use of population classification, can be divided into the elderly reading magnifying glass, children's magnifying glass, outdoor portable magnifying glass, professional evaluation of measuring magnifier and medical magnifying glass, etc.

There are many types of portable magnifying glass, some magnifying glass is square, rectangular or circular, there can be merged magnifying glass or folded magnifying glass, such a magnifying glass is mainly easy to carry, easy to observe. A portable magnifying glass with a light source and without a light source, there are many advantages when you use light source magnifier to view anything.

There are hand-held Magnifier main features: first, the magnification is flexible, magnification can be based on reading and magnifying distance between the changes and changes, users can be very convenient to arbitrarily limited adjustment. Next, the higher magnification of the magnifier, the smaller the range of visibility. In order to get a larger view, the distance between the eye and the lens will be closer.

Finally, the person who holding the magnifier can use the space between the magnifying glass and the reading to write and other work. Hand-held magnifier is widely used because it is portable and easy to use.

About glasses magnifier the features of these types are  because of the glasses-type magnifying glass frame can be worn on the eye, so the hands can move freely, distance from the work, such as writing, typing or manual operation and so on. But it's not very convenient to see things that are very close and use glasses magnifier though the distance between the eyes and reading will very close, but due to the wide range of vision, so people with poor eyesight like to use glasses-type magnifying glass as a reading tool.

According to the above, you can choose the suitable magnifier for yourself.




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