2018年6月23日 星期六

Experience of using the new released LED full page magnifying glass #728

Experience of using the pocket magnifier #728

8.0 x 3.2 (cm) size
3x Magnification
Fresnel Lens
logo customized on the cover

pocket magnifier with soft cover from Taiwan trade

when I use this magnifier, It just like a kind of pull up magnifier . It is very easy to carry ,you can put it in your wallet, your pants pocket or on your hand , it's no a burden at all.
like wherever you are heading to ,even do not worry about how to carry it , where should I store it or if it possible accidentally crashed by me or any situation. With the cover which made up with soft velvet lining that we call imitation leather, it's good to protect the magnifying lens from any scratch or shatter.

magnifying Fresnel lens from Taiwan trade

using Fresnel lens for this magnifier gives reader more prints clearly ,it is also very good for reading price tag, the small figures on the screen, time table, doing artist crafts, stamp collect or for activity promotion. before I get this magnifier I didn't know there so many application with the pocket size magnifier,
photos from Taiwan trade

with 3x magnification, it gave me a proper viewing scope for less eyes burden, and the reading magnifier is more lightweight and slim than the traditional magnifying glass which are such heavy and bigger, so I could immerse myself in a good reading atmosphere.
when I read down below, just little move the magnifier by the only one or tow of my fingers. then keep doing my read with my hands keep doing things like drinking, eating or Knitting even more. 
photos from Taiwan trade

In the brief  this foldable pocket reading magnifying glass with leather cover 3x magnification Fresnel lens even good for small prints reading, it also can be used for giveaway, ad promotion and any situation could be magnify.

Anyway , this pocket magnifier is the best choice for the people not only who have to brings a lot things but also those who are have a lazy reading on the couch.

If you have any questions or are interested in our other magnifying glass, please feel free to contact us!
Email : etay@ms4.hinet.net




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