2018年6月22日 星期五

What Is The Difference Between Microscope and Magnifying Glass?

What Is The Difference Between Microscope and Magnifying Glass?

The Circumstances For The Two Instruments

viewing through microscope when extremely small and was observed visually indistinguishable objects.  
ex: cells, bacteria 

viewing through magnifying glass when observed under the object and need to increase or decrease its clarity difficulty viewing.
ex: leaf veins, newspapers

The Difference Between Microscope And Magnifying Glass

The microscope is more precise and consists of two magnifying lenses (convex lenses). One is the eyepiece, and the other is the objective lens. The magnification can be decided by it. The adjustment of the sharpness can be divided into coarse adjustment wheels and fine adjustment wheels, respectively. High-definition objectives do adjustment of the sharpness, and detailed microscopes are divided into several types. The common ones are compound microscopes, dissecting microscopes, and electron microscopes. Each microscope has its special point. 

Magnifiers are more popular items, mainly observing big things, and making them more clear, including the enlargement of books and newspapers, the burning of spotlights, etc., and the prices are considerably cheaper than microscopes. 

The Correct Methods For Using The Two Instruments

The sample of the microscope should be placed on the stage, adjust the reflector or light bulb and aperture to determine the amount of light, and then look for the object from the low-power objective lens, adjust the coarse adjustment wheel to determine the sharpness, and change the high magnification to fine adjustment wheel adjustment. The correct way to observe is to open the eyes. 

Observe the magnifier to place the object in the focus, otherwise it cannot be observed. Adjust the distance to reach the distance you want to enlarge. 

What Should You Watch Out For When Operating The Two Instruments? 

Microscopes can't afford to fall or collide with precision instruments. Take a hand to hold the mirror arm in one hand, and pay attention to the fact that the wipe lens must be wiped with a specific lens. 

Magnifier is because the video is very easy to scratch, be careful not to careless. 

If you have any questions or are interested in our other magnifying glass, please feel free to contact us!

Email : etay@ms4.hinet.net




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