2018年6月21日 星期四

How Much About the Magnifier You Recognize?

Recognize the Magnifier

When we want to observe the finer things, the first one always thinks of a magnifying glass. Sometimes the elderly have trouble with newspaper,magazine and catalogue we always think of using a magnifying glass to assist. But how do you pick the right magnifying glass? I think this should be a lot of users have the same problem!

Generally speaking, there are three steps to help you:

1. To know your eyesight first. How big do you need to put the text to see clearly? Is the headline of the newspaper hard to read? Or is it only the small print of the inner text that appears obscure?
2.Is it disturbing to observe ambient light sources? Is the adjustment of indoor lighting more clear? Will magnifying glass and light source be easier to read?
3.Try the Magnifier. is the distance between magnifier and paper adjusted well? is the distance of eye to magnifying glass suitable? Remember, the work distance of the different magnification of magnifying glass is not the same!

(Handheld Portable Magnifier With Ultra Bright LED Lighted)

  • Type of magnifying glass

1.Hand-held magnifying glass: Lightweight, easy to carry.
2.Standing magnifier: The distance between the lens and the text set up, to avoid the user because of hand shaking to form focus difficulties, but also to avoid shaking caused by dizziness.
3.Eyeglasses magnifying glass: The advantage is that two hands can be free to page or write, the drawback is that the current type of magnifying glass to provide a small magnification.
4.Light Magnifier: With LED light source (white light), or bulb light source, can provide illumination assistance according to user needs, increase contrast, improve the reading of the identification degree.

  • What does the text on the magnifying glass stand for? 

When we pick a magnifying glass, we usually see some numbers and symbols on it, what do these words mean?
For example: 4X/16D/150
4X : The magnification is related to the refractive ability of the lens. Usually the larger the magnification, the smaller the lens will be, the shorter the working distance will be used.
16D: Refractive degree is the performance of concentrating capacity, the reciprocal of focal length, a +16d lens will focus the parallel light on 1/16 meters.
150: Work distance. That is, the distance between the eyes to the magnifying glass, usually the greater the magnification, the work distance will be shorter, that is, the closer the eye will be closer to the magnifying glass.

The magnifying glass is assists the life the auxiliary, each person's condition is different, to the magnifying glass demand also has the different. Carefully choose your magnifying glass, and properly use and collection, a small magnifying glass will bring you a big help and convenience in life!

If you have any questions or  interested in our magnifying glass, please feel free to contact us!

Email : etay@ms4.hinet.net




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