2018年6月21日 星期四

Correct Way to Clean Magnifier

Correct Way to Clean Magnifier

Ø  How to clean magnifier properly? There are tips let you know!

First use a clean, damp cloth to wipe, and then use the tissue to dry the lens. Don't use toilet paper to rub the mirror back and forth it will wear lenses

Encounter difficult to remove dirt or fingerprints, you can use the dishwashing essence , you must not use the detergent containing softener or alcohol cleaning agents to clean the lenses, it will cause damage to the lens. Finally, when you are not using the magnifier use a dust-proof set good, to avoid the adhesion of dust. A magnifying glass with light source when not used for a long time, remember to remove the battery to avoid the liquid outflow in the battery, corrosion internal structure.

Ø  How to clean the scratches on the magnifying glass?

Introduce two method of repairing the magnifying glass scratches First the production process is 20% dilute phosphoric acid, concentration of 40% ofhydrofluoric acid sodium solution and solid sodium chloride in accordance with quality than 1:0.3~0.43:0.05 mixed, stirring, let the sodium chloride completely dissolved, that is, glass scratch repair agent. The dilute phosphate and hydrofluoric acid sodium and sodium chloride are industrial grade products The invention has the advantages of low toxicity by using dilute phosphoric acid and hydrofluoric acid sodium and sodium chloride as the main raw material, which can be used to repair the scratches of various glass products. Second is when you cleaning the glass you can add a bit of vinegar or can use toothpaste, because the toothpaste has small particles, very small, will not leave traces, but also very effective, such as the scratches on the magnifier or watch can be treated like this.

Use the correct way to clean the magnifier can make the life of magnifier longer!




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