2018年6月21日 星期四

Experience of Using Clip-On Hand-free LED Lighted Magnifier – ML35

The experience sharing of clip-onhand-free LED lighted magnifier is from the 65 years old woman. I suppose that I would not find the best magnifier for me until I meet the clip-on hand-free LED lighted magnifier-ML35.

The " Clip-on Desk Lamp LED Illuminated Magnifier" with the clips you can clip on your desk, ML35 features are hand-free, LED lighted and flexible gooseneck
I have a wonderful experience after using this magnifying glass to reading books and smartphone. Hope you have the same feeling!

First, the flexible gooseneck tube is able to support, bend into any shape. I can adjust the shape or the angle I want!

Second, with the clips I can read the books, newspaper and magazines without holding the magnifier! Very convenient! Generally, a magnifier would be a circle lens and have a handle to hold. If you need to read a long article, you have to hold the magnifying glass for a long time. Besides, the magnification is 3X it really makes me view everything clearly! Not only for reading but can put the thread to the needle and sew the clothes.

Third, it has ultra bright LED lighting. This magnifier are equipped with LED light I can use it at any occasion especially in dark place. When the power are goes out it can also be used as a flashlight and the light can maintain for long-time.

With these experience, I really like this magnifier "Clip-On Hand-free LED Lighted Magnifier" If you want to view this products, just press the following link to know more about this type of magnifying glass. Everyone should own one!

If you have any questions or are interested in our other magnifying glass, please feel free to contact us!

Email : etay@ms4.hinet.net




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