2018年11月7日 星期三


什麼? 放大鏡也能是超夯超人氣的競選禮贈品、競選小物?  俞泰公司專業生產客制化的超薄名片放大鏡有著信用卡尺寸大小,可附卡套及客制化候選人印刷,放在口袋及錢包夾層方便攜帶。當您看不清小字價標或成分表,隨時可以拿出來放大看得一清二楚。

美國參眾議員的選舉(也是川普的期中考)正如火如荼地進行,而我們台灣也將在11/24舉行五合一大選,國內外各家候選人的競選小物紛紛出籠,究竟什麼樣的競選小物能幫助候選人打趴對手,獲得選民的喜愛呢? 汽球容易飛走、手環容易掉、徽章別針也不會常常別、面紙、濾網、口罩或扇子等競選小物,用完、拆開包裝或不小心弄破之後,誰還記得候選人姓啥名誰、長得圓的扁的。附卡套及客制化候選人印刷肖像及政見標語的超薄名片放大鏡深受候選人及選民的青睞。

你還在送面紙嗎? 他送這個讓選民争相索取

  • 選將送「紙片放大鏡」受老人歡迎,供不應求。(記者顏宏駿攝)


2018年6月23日 星期六

2018年6月22日 星期五

What Is The Difference Between Microscope and Magnifying Glass?

What Is The Difference Between Microscope and Magnifying Glass?

The Circumstances For The Two Instruments

viewing through microscope when extremely small and was observed visually indistinguishable objects.  
ex: cells, bacteria 

viewing through magnifying glass when observed under the object and need to increase or decrease its clarity difficulty viewing.
ex: leaf veins, newspapers

The origin of the magnifying glass

The origin of the magnifying glass

A magnifier is used to enlarge the convex lens of the object, the prototype of the microscope. 

Basically, there is no clear information is displayed when the invention of the magnifying glass, but certainly no later than the thirteenth century invention. 

As early as more than a thousand years ago, people had polished clear crystals or precious stones into "lenses" that magnified the images. 

may also be considered a magnifying glass. There are rumors that this masterpiece was invented by some people at the end of the 13th century. 

An unknown craftsman in China. 

Which Magnifiers Work Best in Different Circumstances?

Which Magnifiers Work Best in Different Circumstances?

Different types of low vision devices also can help in different circumstances:
  • A student might need a camera-like telescopic device attached to a portable video camera magnifier to capture an image at the front of the classroom. That image then can be enlarged on a monitor on the student's desktop.
  • A mechanic might benefit from a magnifier mounted on prescription eyeglasses, so that hands remain free to work.

Hand-free Magnifier Worn over prescription or safety eyeglasses. 

  • A handheld magnifier is portable and easy to use when needs are simple. As an example, handheld magnifiers are ideal for checking product labels at the grocery store or quickly looking over the mail.

                                                           Hand Held Magnifier

How Can Magnifiers Aid Low Vision?

How Can Magnifiers Aid Low Vision?

As we grow older, some degree of low vision may be inevitable, depending on how long we live. This is because aging itself leads to slow degeneration of the light-sensitive cells in your retina, where vision processing occurs.
Increased demand for low vision devices means many more choices are becoming available. More than 3.3 million Americans older than 40 already have blindness or low vision — and that number is expected to increase to 5.5 million by 2020, according to the National Eye Institute.

Application of Bug Viewer Insect Studying Magnifying Glass #444

Application of Bug Viewer Insect Studying Magnifying Glass #444

We are a magnifier manufacturer in Taiwan and have many types of magnifying glass
In this article, we want to produce the best magnifying glass "the bug viewer magnifier" of our products. When you want to observe a bug, insect or something small, we recommend you to use this magnifier which is a plastic box with magnifying lids.


什麼? 放大鏡 也能是超夯超人氣的競選禮贈品、競選小物?  俞泰公司專業生產客制化的 超薄名片放大鏡 有著信用卡尺寸大小,可附卡套及客制化候選人印刷,放在口袋及錢包夾層方便攜帶。當您看不清小字價標或成分表,隨時可以拿出來放大看得一清二楚。 美國參眾議員的選舉(也是川普的...